New map series to be launched for 2019

Wild Coast Publishing is lining up a new series of coastal maps for spring 2019.

And lining up is the correct way to look at them. Together the maps will create an unbroken sequence of coastal resources for paddlers and boaters along the entire British Columbia coastline, beginning at Brooks Peninsula and rounding Vancouver Island then heading back up through the southern BC coastline to points north. 

It's all part of a major new investment by the publishing company to provide user-friendly coastal resources eventually expanding into other areas such as hiking and trail topographical mapsheets.

The first phase of these new "Deck Topper" mapsheets for paddlers and boaters includes 20 new maps. More than 40 are planned in all.

The maps are produced on waterproof, durable stock and will be slightly smaller than regular street maps for easy use while on the water. The scale is an optimum 1:61,535, which is the perfect mix of detail and regional perspective. As an example, the Brooks Peninsula mapsheet. #201, includes from Heater Point in Side Bay to the north, all of Brooks Peninsula and the Bunsby Islands to the south. The adjacent mapsheet to the south, #202, also includes the Bunsby Islands, as well as the Mission Group and all Kyuquot Sound. Together the two mapsheets will allow full detail for visitors to that region. Paddle to the Bunsbys, then switch mapsheets while overnighting there to explore the south coast of Brooks Peninsula the next day. The overlap is judiciously designed to ensure you never have to navigate along the page edges.Just open the adjacent mapsheet.

The series is called "Deck Toppers" for the ease-of-use when on the water. Paddlers can keep track of the shoreline by placing the mapsheet under the bungee cords on the deck of the kayak. Boaters will want one handy on the deck as well for reference of the surrounding shoreline.

The mapsheets are not meant to replace navigation by chart, but they can be used for trip planning and orientation, especially when combined with a handheld GPS or other any other electronic device which won't provide the regional perspective nor the features or necessary travel information.

The travel information will be found on the reverse side, including the history, features, hazards and attractions of the region, as presented by author and coastal explorer John Kimantas. 

The mapsheets will be available in the new year. Production of all 20 maps in the first phase are expected to be available by March 2019. Advance orders are being taken of all maps once they enter an advanced stage of production, meaning the wait won't be long! You can view the maps currently in production by visiting  our "Deck Topper" series page

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