Trail primers

The Comox Glacier: A primer

The Comox Glacier: A primer

The Comox Glacier is a massive wedge of snow and ice lying between two crags in Central Vancouver Island near Courtenay. Here's what you need to know to explore it.

The Comox Glacier: A primer

The Comox Glacier is a massive wedge of snow and ice lying between two crags in Central Vancouver Island near Courtenay. Here's what you need to know to explore it.

Forbidden Plateau: A primer

Forbidden Plateau: A primer

Here are some great ideas for hiking trips into Forbidden Plateau, the amazing alpine region on the eastern and most accessible extent of Strathcona Provincial Park.

Forbidden Plateau: A primer

Here are some great ideas for hiking trips into Forbidden Plateau, the amazing alpine region on the eastern and most accessible extent of Strathcona Provincial Park.

The Nootka Trail: a primer

The Nootka Trail: a primer

The Nootka Trail is one of the great coastal hikes in British Columbia. It starts at Louie Bay on the north side of the island and ends at historic Yuquot....

The Nootka Trail: a primer

The Nootka Trail is one of the great coastal hikes in British Columbia. It starts at Louie Bay on the north side of the island and ends at historic Yuquot....

Cape Scott Trail: A primer

Cape Scott Trail: A primer

Cape Scott Provincial Park is one of Vancouver Island’s wildest and most scenic parks, protecting the entire north coast of Vancouver Island from San Josef Bay around Cape Scott to Shushartie...

Cape Scott Trail: A primer

Cape Scott Provincial Park is one of Vancouver Island’s wildest and most scenic parks, protecting the entire north coast of Vancouver Island from San Josef Bay around Cape Scott to Shushartie...

Explore the Best: The North Coast Trail, a primer

Explore the Best: The North Coast Trail, a primer

The North Coast Trail is a rival to the West Coast Trail for an adventure hike, skirting the northern tip of Vancouver Island for a challenging multi-day hike. Here is...

Explore the Best: The North Coast Trail, a primer

The North Coast Trail is a rival to the West Coast Trail for an adventure hike, skirting the northern tip of Vancouver Island for a challenging multi-day hike. Here is...